My 21 Century Classroom

·         Environment:
Ø  Color is important in a classroom for several reasons. Having color in the classroom can help engage students in studying, concentrating, being calm and relaxed. Studies show that warm colors like reds, oranges, and yellows help to increase brain activity for students. When the brain activity is increased the students are able to learn new material quicker. While warm colors increase the brain activity cool colors like blues, violets, and greens create a calm and relaxation atmosphere. This is useful when trying to keep the class calm and quit like for reading. This mix of colors is perfect for an early education classroom mixing both brain activity and relaxation.
Ø  Having a classroom that allows freedom of movement is important for young children. According to Scholastic, “elementary school aged children learn best when they are allowed to move throughout the classroom.” Elementary students are at an age where they are active and learn best with their hands and through collaboration; having a classroom set up with desks in rows is not accommodating to their needs. Classrooms with lines of desks don’t allow students to move around at all, the classroom is stuffed and not a lot of room is available for freedom and movement and expression. The 21 classroom is designed with tables instead of desks that allow students ample space to work with hands or on paper as well as work together to accomplish more tasks, work on teamwork skills, and learn from each other. The 21 century classroom also has many environments or stations to work in. elementary aged students are antsy and have a hard time staying concentrated for long, allowing for stations where they can engage in different activities is important for them. This classroom is similar to the High scope model of a classroom, where active learning comes from teacher to student interaction and stations for reading, writing, art/ freedom of expression, and a technology station. The new class model adapts this and turns it into a modern version changing the advancements in the classroom setup.
Ø  The classroom organization promotes ritual and routine through the daily schedule. The classroom is always set up the same throughout the year and the schedule is the same the whole year. This creates a routine for the students to follow and be adjusted to. Young children need a routine, this allows them to feel safe in the classroom and do their best work. Students learn what each station in the classroom is for and how to use it every day also creating the safety feel and allowing them to work to their fullest. The organization contributes to learning, by allowing the students to feel like the classroom is theirs and that they can use all the resources in the classroom. The 21 century classroom organization is more students oriented than previous classroom designs. The classroom use to be rows of desks that left the room empty and made the students feel as though the classroom wasn’t theirs and that they were below the teacher and was not an open feel; by allowing the classroom to be open and bright it changes the feel of the class and promotes a comfortable and free expression room.
Ø  Technology today is more advance than ever. Today almost every classroom is fully equipped with a smart board, laptops, document camera, and gadgets that connect to these. In the perfect classroom there would be a laptop for every student so that they could always be connected to the bigger classroom and learn resources and webpages online to assist in their learning. The laptops can also help engage them in creating a blog or connecting on Google. Along with the laptop I pads are in this classroom, these connect to different apps that can be useful in lessons and a more upgraded way of searching online. Also through these I pads presentations can better be shared and created in the classroom. A smart board is also a new technology available for every classroom and I think should be in every classroom. There are two different types of these interactive boards; there are promethium and smart boards. They are both similar but I think the smart board is better for a classroom.  The smart board allows your finger to touch and control the board, which is better for an elementary scholar. A promethium board needs the special pen to control it. With the smart board power point like presentations can be made that are interactive and can involve games for the students. There are also test taking gadgets that connect to the smart board that allow the students to enter their answers on a remote and get results instantly. Also on the smart board websites and resources can be shared to the class and integrate the whole class. A document camera allows paper or books to be shared to the whole classroom by projecting the image onto the board. This can connect to the smart board and you can write and annotate books while teaching to the whole class. The document camera also allows for students work to be shared to the whole classroom easier so each student can see and be proud of their work. Technology in the 21 classroom is all about engaging the students in the online community of learners and letting them learn more than what is just in the books. Technology allows easier access to information to promote learning and help students to learn in all kinds of different ways promoting differentiation.

Ø  Accommodations in the classroom can be as simple as placing a student closer to the board for seeing or hearing help or creating lessons that help them learn the curriculum easier. In the new age classroom this can easily be done. Students with exceptionalities are now being more integrated in to the classrooms and today we have the resources to make this possible.
There are resources in classrooms today either technology such as computers or books on audio such as an I pod, or through new advances in learning techniques for the students with exceptionalities. For hearing impairments accommodations can be made like wearing a mic that connects to their implants so they can hear or an interpreter. Many students with hearing loss also have speech trouble; accommodations for this can be online help with sounding words or creating words by showing them how to create words through online programs. For seeing impairments bold line paper can be used or brail. For more serious exceptionalities online resources can help or infinite solutions.  Computers can talk for students and allow them to connect to the classroom even though in earlier centuries they would be excluded from school and would fall behind.
                In the new 21 century classroom continuing to grow as a professional and learner is easier and clearer. The new technology allows for teachers to constantly need to keep up and learn what is new and useful for the classroom. All the connections to online allow for teachers to always be connected to each other and learn new techniques and lessons. Being connected also shows teachers how to better explain technology to the students and show them how to be lifelong learners.
                Students can easily be connected to other students through websites like blogs or through Skype students can chat and learn from students all over the world. The great thing about internet is that it connects an entire world to each other and express and learn from one another. Connecting students all over the world can be done online by putting your students on to safe websites that allow them to post and ask questions and then allow other classroom students to comment and they can all learn from each other. The students can also connect to experts online by reading blogs of experts and wikis or online pages from experts students are learning about in class. Parents can also be connected online. One way for a teacher to online connect with parents is through a blog that a classroom teacher can make and allow parents to view it. In the blog you can discuss what was done in the class each day, connect parents to the resources you used for the class, and allow for them to openly as questions and connect parents to each other through this blog.
Another way to connect to parents is to make a weekly or monthly report to share current events and student work and upcoming events. This allows parents to always be connected to you the teacher and the students.
        The video attached shows a 21 century classroom in real life and how teachers feel about the 21 century program. It shows technology in today's classroom and how it looks live. The video interviews teachers and they discuss how the technology is really useful. 

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